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Cases and enclosures

Dexcom G6 receiver belt clip

The Dexcom G6 receiver is a very handy, palm-sized device that can display sensor readings, including graph and change arrows, as well as notify in case of highs, lows, rapid changes, etc. In order to make this device easily accessible when needed, here is a holder with belt clip that you may find handy.

Belt Clip

OpenSCAD - Will try to find

STL - Will try to find

Tandem T-slim X2 "radio" cover

Using an insulin pump may make others feel that you're somehow an unfortunate "nebuch" case. However, a life-saving paramdic? Now that's cool! In order to make the Tandem T-slim X2 appear more like a paramedic's emergency radio, here's an enclosure that slides onto the front of the official case:

Radio Wearing

Radio Separated



And here's a version that slides onto the unofficial "quick-draw" holster case, though the current version slides off too easily. This version was made in Fusion 360:

TODO: add Fusion 360 link and STL